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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Massage and Chiropractic

Massage and chiropractic work in perfect harmony together, which is why it always surprises me that people consistently believe they must choose one or the other. This is one of the reasons why I started this blog. There are many misconceptions about massage, its accessibility and its usefulness.

The American Chiropractic Association defines chiropractic as “a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system and the effects of these disorders on general health.”

Most chiropractors recognize the need to address the underlying cause of a patient's ailment instead of only helping the patient with the side-effects of their ailment- as Western Medicine usually does. When seeking to address the underlying cause of dis-ease it is best to approach it from multiple angles. This is why massage therapists and chiropractors like to work together and address the other areas of a patient's life (like nutrition). Working together gives you, the patient, an opportunity to be cared for by a team of individuals that are there to support you and address you, your ailments and pains on every front.

When you are receiving massage and chiropractic you'll see how each form of care supports and strengthens the benefits of the other. Patients who receive both forms of care often experience faster recovery from injuries because they are receiving care to every layer of the body affected by the injury. Chiropractic adjustments are more successful and easier when you're receiving regular massage because it relaxes the tension in the muscles that would normally resist the adjustments. Together they can increase circulation, range of motion in joints, lessen pain from injuries, improve posture, and even help manage the pain caused by arthritis and fibromyalgia.

With all these benefits, is there really any reason to keep from seeing a chiropractor and a massage therapist regularly? Now there's no reason not to,

Waterbury Chiropractic Wellness Center is now offering 60 min massages for only $45 when scheduled monthly!